joining of the wires at the intersection is achieved
electric resistance welding. This is by a combination of heavy electric
current (applied at low voltage) passed through the junction
of wires, combined with heavy mechanical pressure. A solid state thyristorregulated
electronic control ensures very fine control of time (in cycles) and
current amplitude (total phase angle). All the spacings between wires
are controlled by an automatic mechanism of high reliability.
being used
1. The
wires used in the fabric are cold drawn from controlled quality mild
steel wire rods with carbon contents generally less than 0.15%. WWF
is manufactured conforming to IS:1566/1982 with long and cross wire
spacing varying from 25mm to 400mm.

2. The
wires conform to IS:432-Pt II/1982 which specifies an ultimate tensile
strength of 570 N/mm2 and a characteristic strength of 480 N/mm2. Wires
used for manufacture of fabric are generally in the range of 2mm to
12mm diameter.

Welded Wire Mesh offers a convenient
means to quickly partition/baricade large
areas with rigid fencing. High security
fencing with 3"x1/2" spacing is common
for secure areas like Mints, Treasuries.
The mesh is easily anchored to structural
posts/angles. Common sizes are 50x50mm
to 100x100mm with 3mm to 5.5mm wires.
Welded Wire Gabion
are heavy duty
rectangular wire mesh baskets
filled with rock or rubble to
economically and effectively
construct earth retaining walls
and erosion control structures.

In constructing such walls, individual gabions are
usedas costruction blocks. These blocks are filled
incrementally and tied together with heavy wire
as construction progresses to form the complete structure.Sizes generally
are in the range of 100x100
to 150x150 with wires of 2.5 to 4.0mm.